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Patent Lawyer and Company Ranking

Rank patent lawyers and companies under each patent CPC category.

PROBLEM TO ADDRESS: Most existing lawyer/firm ranking reports are based on total number of patents they help prepare every year. However law firms and lawyers typically specialize in particular industries or types of inventions, and a great lawyer/firm in one area may not be very familiar with another area. This is where existing ranking reports fall short of.

UNIQUE SOLUTION: We offer lawyer/firm ranking results for each individual patent CPC category. This helps inventors easily narrow down the search space, and quickly find the right lawyers for an invention. CPC categories are very specific, and there are more than 250K CPC categories in total. We have ranking reports for all of them.

If you prefer ranking reports across all categories, here they are:

Patent Lawyer/Firm Ranking

Patent lawyers and firms are ranked based on the number of patents they prepared every year/quarter across all categories. Use advanced anking service to see ranking results for each individual category.

Free Lawyer Ranking Report

Company Ranking

Companies are ranked based on the number of patents issued to / applied by them every year/quarter across all categories. Use advanced ranking service to see ranking results for each individual category.

Free Company Ranking Report

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